About Me

Hi, I am Ken from Singapore. Travelling to me is really a moment of truth when finally I can let my hair down from working almost 300 days each year and explore the world and look at nature, culture, food, people from a different perspectives and appreciate what I have been missing out.

Me_HokkaidoWell … I am not so much a solo mio in my travels, always planning interesting trips that could cater for my family and my two kiddos …

What would life be without them … lol, to show them and engage them to the world beyond the boundaries of Singapore, that is the clean and green city in the East, very law-abiding and systematic country, but just too much concrete buildings in a small land mass.

With a travel party of at least four, it would also means that I really have to do some serious plannings before each trip to keep budget within control.

So going with Travel Agencies is never really my thing. It is too tight and restrictive in itineraries and timings, not to mention cost exorbitant. In order to keep cost low, I plan out all my travels well in advance of at least 6 months plus, booking flights first (taking advantage of early bird’s deals) then deciding on the itineraries before booking the hotels just as early which frequently comes with better pricing as well.

Much of the travelling considerations is placed on safety, food adaption of the kiddos, opportunities to experience life like the locals does, plus activities that could be enjoyed by both adults and kiddos alike, and to engage them to appreciate more nature than just i-devices ….hahaha!

So do take time to appreciate my blogs that I have written, hopefully to give you the insights to your travelling plans as well 🙂

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